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"If we don't take time to learn the lessons of past projects, and moreover act upon them, we will continue to commit the same project management sins again and again." - Duncan Haughey

At KURIT we believe that successful Project Management requires leadership excellence, consistent and effective processes and efficient administration. Armed with this philosophy, KURIT is well placed to assist its clients in meeting the delivery requirements of each and every project they undertake.


The KURIT Project Management team is passionate about how it does this, and it enjoys what it does. For KURIT, a ‘good service’ is not good enough. We seek not only to meet, but to exceed client expectation, driven by our desire to achieve excellence, quality and embrace innovation and creativity


At KURIT we understand the importance of challenging the ‘norm’, especially when it is evident existing protocols and customs are not working on particular project. Just because ‘it’s the way it has always been done’ doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best way for it to be done. Our extensive experience in a variety of project(s) across multiple sectors enables us to offer our clients cross sector advice to incorporate lessons learned to reduce the recurrence of issues and provide success of future projects. We appreciate that challenging existing conventions can be difficult for clients, but we choose to champion this route nonetheless, because we believe that it delivers best value for the clients, relative to time, cost and quality.  


At KURIT we encourage our clients to take the path which best suits its project objectives, reassuring our clients that although the path of least resistance is generally the easiest route to take, it is seldom the best.


Achieving great success on a project may not be easy, but with focus and an unwillingness to fail, success on every project, no matter how difficult, is possible.  


“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win”- President John F. Kennedy

Construction Site Managers
Concrete Structure
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