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Commercial Health Checks & Governance

During project execution, the status of a project is periodically evaluated, this may be during the monthly reporting cycle or is more commonplace, on a quarterly basis. Traditional methods or standard practices are used to evaluate project status. These methods will have a quantitative measure assessment, performance ratio, schedule variance and cost variance that provide hard data on a project’s status and progress. Based on the evaluation of these measures, cost and schedule status are assessed.


However, even within the dedicated reporting periods, project teams do not always conduct in-depth analysis and detailed reviews such that those traditional methods and measures may not be adequate to identify issues that may exist. In many instances there can be a lack of identification of the warning signs for potential project failure or an inability to decipher the information to understand what alternative strategies need to be employed.


KURIT have a unique ability not only to interpret those findings but to identify the key constraints and plot a strategic path for your project to recognise its most favourable commercial outcome.   

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